Sıra tabanlı oynanış ve hayat simülasyonu mekaniklerinin bir araya geldiği en popüler oyunlardan olan Persona 4 Golden’da oyuncuların cevaplaması gereken tüm ders ve sınav sorularını cevaplandırıyoruz!
Persona 4 Golden oldukça uzun bir oyun olmasına karşın, oyunun büyük çoğunluğu bir lise öğrencisi olarak oynanan kısımlardır.
Oyunda, normal bir lise öğrencisi gibi çeşitli etkinliklere katılmanın yanı sıra öğretmenlerin derste sorduğu soruları ve sınav sorularını cevaplandırmanız gerekmektedir.
Soruları cevaplandırmak hem karakterinizin bilgi seviyesini artırır hem de sizi diğer öğrencilerin gözünde daha popüler biri haline getirir.
Bu Persona 4 Golden rehber yazımızda, oyundaki öğrenci hayatının eğlenceli kısımlarına odaklanabilmeniz için derslerde ve sınavlarda karşınıza çıkan Persona 4 Golden sorularının cevaplarını sizlere sunuyoruz!
İçerik Başlıkları
- 1 Persona 4 Golden Nisan Cevapları
- 2 Persona 4 Golden Mayıs Cevapları
- 3 Persona 4 Golden Haziran Cevapları
- 4 Persona 4 Golden Temmuz Cevapları
- 5 Persona 4 Golden Eylül Cevapları
- 6 Persona 4 Golden Ekim Cevapları
- 7 Persona 4 Golden Kasım Cevapları
- 8 Persona 4 Golden Aralık Cevapları
- 9 Persona 4 Golden Ocak Cevapları
- 10 Persona 4 Golden Şubat Cevapları
Persona 4 Golden Nisan Cevapları
Persona 4 Golden’da tarih, ülkemizdeki gibi gün ve ay olarak değil, ay ve gün olarak yazılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, soruların tarihlerinin önce ay daha sonra gün yazılarak oluşturulduğunu göz önünde bulundurmakta yarar vardır.
Soru: What is the year before 1 AD called?
Cevap: 1 BC
Soru: The word “alphabet” comes from the word “alpha” and what other one?
Cevap: Beta
Soru: How many parts are there in Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle?”
Cevap: Three
Soru: What was the first economic bubble incident in the world?
Cevap: Tulip mania
Soru: What’s it called when you gain more muscle after getting sore through exercise?
Cevap: Overcompensation
Soru: Which property of whole numbers doesn’t exist?
Cevap: Marriage numbers
Soru: What is the greatest canyon in the solar system?
Cevap: Valles Marineris
Persona 4 Golden Mayıs Cevapları
Soru: Do you know how Soseki Natsume translated the English phrase “I love you” into Japanese?
Cevap: “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?
Midterms 5/9
Soru 1: What is it called when muscles grow after exercise?
Cevap 1: Overcompensation
Soru 2: What is the year before 1 A.D. called?
Cevap 2: 1 B.C.
Midterms 5/10
Soru 1: Which of these types of numbers does not exist?
Cevap 1: Marriage numbers
Soru 2: Who translated “I love you” as “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”
Cevap 2: Soseki Natsume
Midterms 5/11
Soru 1: Who said “As soon as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom?”
Cevap 1: Pythagoras
Soru 2: Which of the following is the highest mountain in the solar system?
Cevap 2: Olympus Mons
Soru: Tell me how the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves was disproven!
Cevap: Attendance logs
Persona 4 Golden Haziran Cevapları
Soru: What sport is “heikin-dai”?
Cevap: Balance Beam
Soru: Tell me what kind of exercise builds up lactic acid in the muscles!
Cevap: Anaerobics
Soru: Tell me what morale is!
Cevap: Cheerfulness of a group
Soru: What period did Japan first implement bonus pay?
Cevap: Meiji
Soru: What is identity?
Cevap: Individuality
Soru: Which one of these is the name of a real river?
Cevap: Pis Pis River
Persona 4 Golden Temmuz Cevapları
Soru: Who said this: “Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed”?
Cevap: Pascal
Soru: What is the beginning of “Gakumon no Susume” a reference to?
Cevap: The U.S. Declaration of Independence
Soru: What is the medical term for brainfreeze?
Cevap: Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia
Soru: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji?
Cevap: Kuukai
Soru: Which line can a typhoon never cross?
Cevap: The equator
Soru: Tell me what makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards?
Cevap: He has no mustache.
Finals 7/19
Soru 1: What is morale?
Cevap 1: Cheerfulness in a group
Soru 2: What sport is “heikin-dai”?
Cevap 2: Balance Beam
Finals 7/20
Soru 1: Which kanji did Kobo make a mistake on?
Cevap 1: The first option
Soru 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay?
Cevap 2: Meiji
Finals 7/21
Soru 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache?
Cevap 1: King of hearts
Soru 2: Who said this: “Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed”?
Cevap 2: Pascal
Finals 7/22
Soru 1: Which one of these is the name of a real river?
Cevap 1: Pis Pis River
Soru 2: What is the beginning of “Gakumon no Susume” a reference to?
Cevap 2: The U.S. Declaration of Independence
Persona 4 Golden Eylül Cevapları
Soru: “Venison” is the meat of what animal?
Cevap: All of the above
Soru: Which of the following is a kigo for fall?
Cevap: Brisk
Soru: How short was history’s shortest war?
Cevap: 40 minutes
Soru: What do you call somebody who’s between ninety and one hundred years old?
Cevap: A nonagenarian
Soru: What part of the human body has an apple in it?
Cevap: Throat
Persona 4 Golden Ekim Cevapları
Soru: Which of these sports also uses an anchor?
Cevap: Tug-of-War
Soru: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country?
Cevap: The right edge
Soru: Tell me what bird’s name means “coward”in English!
Cevap: Chicken
Soru: What did Napoleon have invented?
Cevap: Glass jars
Soru: Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first jack-o-lantern?
Cevap: Turnips
Soru: What kind of fish was I just talking about?
Cevap: Ojisan
Midterms 10/14
Soru 1: What part of the body contains the “Adam’s apple”?
Cevap 1: Throat
Soru 2: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country?
Cevap 2: The right edge
Midterms 10/15
Soru 1: How short was history’s shortest war?
Cevap 1: 40 minutes
Soru 2: “Venison” is the meat of what animal?
Cevap 2: All of the above
Midterms 10/17
Soru 1: What is the Japanese name for “panda”?
Cevap 1: Black and white bears
Soru 2: Which bird is falsely known for being cowardly in the English phrase “to stick one’s head in the sand”?
Cevap 2: Ostrich
Midterms 10/18
Soru 1: What was the name of the Wasan textbook that came out in the Edo period?
Cevap 1: Math Girl
Soru 2: What did Napoleon have invented?
Cevap 2: Glass jars
Midterms 10/19
Soru 1: Which season is the adjective “brisk” a kigo for?
Cevap 1: Fall
Soru 2: What is “Dragon’s Blood”?
Cevap 2: Plant resin
Persona 4 Golden Kasım Cevapları
Soru: Tell me what the “figure” in “figure skating” refers to!
Cevap: Geometric shapes
Soru: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is??
Cevap: A cuckoo
Soru: Which country do you think the South Pole belongs to?
Cevap: No country
Soru: What desert is the Welwitschia from?
Cevap: Namib
Soru: Alcohol has to do with the roots of the word “bridal.” Do you know how?
Cevap: Bride ale
Soru: Do you know what an “atlas” is?
Cevap: A book of maps
Soru: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… What is this sequence called?
Cevap: Fibonacci sequence
Soru: There are over 130 ancient pyramids in Egypt, but do you know who’s buried in the biggest one?
Cevap: Khufu
Soru: Which of these is considered a “rice cake”?
Cevap: Mochi
Finals 11/28
Soru 1: What does French food stem from?
Cevap 1: Italian Food
Soru 2: What does the “figure” in “figure skating” refer to?
Cevap 2: Geometric shapes
Finals 11/29
Soru 1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt?
Cevap 1: Khufu
Soru 2: What is a book of maps called?
Cevap 2: Atlas
Finals 11/30
Soru 1: What word has the words “bride ale” as its roots?
Cevap 1: Bridal
Soru 2: What kind of bird is a “kanko-dori”?
Cevap 2: A cuckoo
Persona 4 Golden Aralık Cevapları
Finals 12/1
Soru 1: Which country does the South Pole belong to?
Cevap 1: No country
Soru 2: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… What is this sequence called?
Cevap 2: The Fibonacci sequence
Finals 12/2
Soru 1: What desert is the Welwitschia found in?
Cevap 1: Namib
Soru 2: Which of these is considered a “rice cake”?
Cevap 2: Mochi
Soru: Do you know what color a fuzzy-wuzzy polar bear’s fur really is?
Cevap: Transparent
Soru: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight?
Cevap: The cross-section
Soru: Do you know the intent behind the phrase, “Compassion is not for the good of others”?
Cevap: Compassion makes you look better
Soru: Which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world?
Cevap: VII
Persona 4 Golden Ocak Cevapları
Soru: What are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi?
Cevap: An orange
Soru: “Toso” is a traditional drink for the new year, but what does the name mean?
Cevap: Bury the demons
Soru: In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in place of the rabbit?
Cevap: Cat
Soru: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in the spring?
Cevap: Red
Soru: What’s the next unit of measurement up from a terabyte?
Cevap: Petabyte
Persona 4 Golden Şubat Cevapları
Soru: What color were the pyramids originally?
Cevap: White
Advancement Exams 2/6
Soru 1: The word “alphabet” comes from the words “alpha” and what other one?
Cevap 1: Beta
Soru 2: How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven?
Cevap 1: Attendance logs
Advancement Exams 2/7
Soru 1: What drink name means “bury demons”?
Cevap 1: Toso
Soru 2: What is the medical term for brainfreeze?
Cevap 2: Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia
Advancement Exams 2/8
Soru 1: What is the Japanese zodiac equivalent to the “cat” in the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs?
Cevap 1: Rabbit
Soru 2: What vegetable was used to make the first jack-o’-lanterns?
Cevap 2: Turnips
Advancement Exams 2/9
Soru 1: What color were the pyramids when they were first built?
Cevap 1: White
Soru 2: What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red?
Cevap 2: The Sahara Desert sand
Şubat ayı cevaplarıyla birlikte 10 aylık bir süreçten oluşan Persona 4 Golden rehberimizin sonuna geldik. Ayrıca, eğer Persona serisi hakkındaki gelişmeleri yakından takip ediyorsanız “Persona 3 Reload Sonunda Duyuruldu!” adlı yazımıza da göz atabilirsiniz.